Promote International Equity in Your Cage-Free Egg Commitment!
I appreciate your company's policy for addressing the animal-welfare and food-safety concerns associated with confining laying hens to crowded, barren cages in some Global North countries, but I am disappointed that your company has yet to address the same issue elsewhere. Concerns for animal welfare and food safety do not end at the borders of Global North countries. Please include consumers and animals in the Global South in your initiatives for corporate social responsibility and practice equity in your global egg supply chain.
Report Your Global Cage-Free Progress
I appreciate your company's policy for addressing the animal-welfare and food-safety concerns associated with confining laying hens to crowded, barren cages, but I am disappointed that your company has not reported progress around the world on its global commitment to sourcing only cage-free eggs. Concerns for animal welfare and food safety do not end at the borders of Global North countries. Please include consumers and animals in the Global South in your initiatives for corporate social responsibility and practice equity by reporting your cage-free progress everywhere.
Why Haven't You Reported Cage-Free Progress in Some Regions?
I appreciate your company's policy for addressing the animal-welfare and food-safety concerns associated with confining laying hens to crowded, barren cages, but I am disappointed that your company has not reported progress in some Global South countries on its commitment to sourcing only cage-free eggs. Concerns for animal welfare and food safety do not end at the borders of Global North countries. Please include consumers and animals in the Global South in your initiatives for corporate social responsibility and practice equity by reporting your cage-free progress in every region.